Youth Focus North East is an independent charity, established in 1989, with the overall vision to improve the lives of young people through high quality youth work. We exist for the benefit of young people and the organisations which support them.
Our organisation is rooted in the values of good youth work.
Honesty Respect Equality Inclusion
We pride ourselves on being a caring and learning organisation. One in which people are encouraged to take risks, learn from mistakes and achievements, and where young people are central to all we do.
We operate as both an infrastructure support body and a direct deliverer of services to young people and communities.
Through our infrastructure support we enable organisations across our sector to come together to collaborate, share and learn from best practice and have their views heard. We support them to be well informed on the policy, practice and strategy developments that affect young people. We facilitate programmes to build skills and capacity and develop leadership and sustainability in the sector. We hold and deliver the function of the Regional Youth Work Unit and are proud co-founders of the North East Youth Alliance
Our direct support to young people and communities is mainly delivered from our two operating centres in Gateshead and Middlesbrough compromising youth centre, outreach work and community based activities to increase wellbeing and improve community cohesion.
Co-production is at the heart of our practice as a youth work organisation. We understand there is no ‘one catch all’ approach and that young people have to be provided with a variety of opportunities suitable to their interests, abilities and needs. We see the purpose of co-production as providing young people with the opportunity to ‘be the change’, rather than the problem.
Having our foundations firmly rooted in youth work practice via our direct delivery ensures we remain connected to the young people and organisations we serve through our role as an infrastructure support organisation. The dual roles are mutually beneficial and are equally important to us in our overall aim of Improving the lives of young people through high quality youth work.
Thank You Alex!

Alex has very generously raised funds for us not just once, but twice, raising nearly £2000! We are very thankful for all her amazing hard work and determination; this support was instrumental in helping continue our project in Springwell, and ensuring that our amazing sessions could carry on running seamlessly for all the young people in her area.
If you would also like to support us we are incredibly grateful for any and all contributions, as every donation has the power to change a young person’s life, no matter the amount. Thank you for helping us make a difference.